So, you've got yourself a guitar - it can be a completely new or already played instrument with history. It can be a guitar that needs repair, or, at first glance, a perfectly tuned instrument. However, all types of guitars have one thing in common - they need care, they must be properly rebuilt and periodically serviced and replaced with accessories. It is definitely worth entrusting it exclusively to competent specialists - guitar masters, who can quickly and professionally assess the condition of the instrument and carry out routine repairs of the guitar.
The team offers highly qualified guitar master services in Samara. We provide the following types of services for the repair and maintenance of musical instruments:
Now a little about why the repair and maintenance of an instrument by a guitar master is better, safer and more economical than independent manipulations.
Like any musical instrument, the guitar is very moody. Outwardly, this is far from always manifested - gradually the instrument loses its acoustic properties, the structure of the wood changes, the fittings wear out ... and at one point the guitar starts to "ache". In the end, this will lead to the fact that you have to do a very expensive overhaul of the guitar or change the instrument altogether.
Therefore, the main thesis for musicians is this: when choosing an instrument or immediately after buying it, refer the instrument to a guitar master - only a real specialist will be able to assess its true state. At the same time, such diagnostics should also be carried out by those who have long owned their own guitar - it is better to do this at least once every 4-6 months.
The second important aspect of the work of guitar makers is the so-called "finishing" of the instruments. It is no secret that each of us musicians has individual preferences in choosing the tuning of the guitar, its accessories, etc. And it is from the compliance of the instrument with such preferences that how well the musician plays and how much he likes to play this instrument will depend.
There is no need to cherish illusions: almost any guitar requires "fine-tuning", especially if its owner is a beginner or owns this particular copy quite recently. And it makes no difference whether you have an expensive Gibson for a couple of thousand dollars or an inexpensive serial acoustics of domestic production - in the second case, there will simply be a little more work.
Why is the diagnostics and "fine-tuning" of the instrument at a guitar master in Samara so important?
The team provides the services of a guitar master in Samara 7 days a week! Come to our cozy showroom at Samara, st. Galaktionovskaya, 30 or call us on +7 (846) 205 42 42 +7 (495) 108 02 72, send a message via the website or the VKontakte group - and we will help make your instrument even better!