ERNIE BALL 9614 Fretwrap, black, large
The ERNIE BALL 9614 String Muffler from Ernie Ball and Gruv Gear is a professional string damping/muffling accessory that is a must for the professional session guitarist or just the tapping enthusiast. Use the Ernie Ball FretWrap to cut off excess overtones and sympathetic resonance that can occur in recording, concert, tapping or other creative situations as effectively as possible. The adjustable strap length allows you to control the degree of damping, and at times when you don't need the damper, you can simply slide it over the head of your guitar fingerboard - easy to use, no modifications required.
Muffles unnecessary overtones and ringing from strings
Ideal for live and in-studio recording
Ernie Ball and Gruv Gear collaborate
Suitable for 6-string basses and 7- and 8-string guitars
Small size (Large)
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