Manufacturer: United States of America
Lemon oil for guitar
It's no secret that the guitar tree requires care: periodic cleaning of dirt and preventive moisturizing. Under the influence of sweat, dirt and grease, due to exposure to sunlight and being near the batteries, many elements of the guitar made of wood, especially the fingerboard, gradually become dirty and "dry out". This leads to both cosmetic problems and the appearance of cracks, loss of frets, deterioration of the overall sound of the instrument.
Lemon oil for guitar Dunlop 6554 is a special composition that allows you to gently remove accumulated dirt from the lining, as well as moisten the wood.
Features of Dunlop 6554 Lemon Oil:
Volume – 118 ml;
It is recommended to use at least once every 2-3 months when replacing the strings. Avoid getting oil on the new strings-this may worsen their sound;
Do not use with maple linings!
Learn more about lemon oil and guitar neck care>>>
Strings. gives you a chance to buy lemon oil DUNLOP 6554 65 ULTIMATE LEMON OIL with delivery in St. Petersburg, Samara, Moscow and other cities of Russia, as well as in the nearest foreign countries: Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus.
Ищешь, где купить DUNLOP LEMON OIL 6554 65 ULTIMATE LEMON OIL? Заказывай на Струнки.ру!
Для того, чтобы задать вопрос, необходимо авторизоваться Сочи
Kravchenko Самара
Как написано в описании: \"Лимонное масло для гитары Dunlop 6554 – это специальный состав\". Точного состава к сожалению нет, но там однозначно имеется лимонное масло и дополнительные составляющие, благотворно влияющие на дерево! :)
Сергей Электросталь
Одного такого бутылька хватает на несколько лет! С аптечным даже сравнивать не стОит, т.к. Dunlop 65 это СПЕЦИАЛЬНОЕ средство, созданное именно для ухода за гитарным грифом, а не просто так для запаха или моды. Однозначно - покупать и использовать!