Previously, if you wanted to get the tonality of a humbucker, P90, and Strat, you would need three different guitars. But now the P-Rails humbucker provides all three sounds in one pickup that can replace any standard-sized humbucker. With Triple Shot (flat for Super Strats or arched for Les Pauls), you have two switches at your disposal for easy sound selection.
The bridge and neck P-Rails can be split for an authentic P90, or they can be split into Rail coils for a Strat-like tone. By switching both coils you get a powerful sounding humbucker with great full punch. The neck pickup in this set is RWRP (reverse turn, reverse polarity) so you won't experience any hum when using either single coil in the neck and one in the bridge. Combine them in any combination.
The pickups are hand assembled in California. Our team of craftsmen take pride in crafting Seymour Duncan products to deliver the most amazing sound possible.
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